Learning Objectives
After completing this help guide, you’ll be able to:
- Understand what an Adhoc report is
- Identify an Adhoc report.
- Save an Adhoc report.
- Run a saved Adhocreport.
- Create a triggered report schedule.
With COMET, there are certain reports that allow you to save them to your own personal reports folder in COMET. With saved reports you can quickly access and run these reports without having to specify the parameters. You can even schedule these to be run and sent to you on a periodic basis.
It’s important to note that not all types of reports can be saved, only Adhoc reports can be saved. With that in mind - what is an Adhoc report?
In a wider technological sense, Adhoc reports are simple, quick to build reports designed to be run without IT support. In COMET, these kind of reports can filtered once run, and saved.
Let’s run an Adhoc report as an example.
- Once logged in, select Reports & Statistics from the left hand menu.
- Select Clubs & Players.
- Use the report search to find and select the List of Players Registrations report.
- To make sure we get some data, adjust the Registration Status of Player field to be TERMINATED; and input 01/01/2017 – 01/04/2017 in the Date period fields.
- Select Run Report.
You should get a report that looks like this:
Notice how each of the columns can be further filtered by inputting text in the blank spaces, such as entering SMITH in the family name field would show only players with a surname of SMITH. Being able to filter in this way is the first sign of an Adhoc report:
You will also notice how in the top right hand corner of the page, you have the ability to save the report. Being able to save a report is the second sign of an Adhoc report.
Let’s save this report, we will refer to this later.
- Input a name for the report.
- Select Save.
- Wait until the confirmation box appears.
- Close the window.
There is a quicker way however to identify an Adhoc report. Let’s look back at the parameters of the report that we just ran and saved:
Nothing out of the ordinary. Now if we compare these parameters to a non-Adhoc report – Let’s say the Club Summary (brief) report as an example:
Other than less parameters, what do you notice? There is an Export Format option available. If you see this option, you can very quickly identify that the report is not an Adhoc report; it cannot be filtered once run, and it cannot be saved.
Phew! A lot to take in. So we have:
- Learnt the difference between an Adhoc and non-Adhoc report;
- How to identify an Adhoc report; and
- How to save an Adhoc report.
Now that we have saved report, let’s look at how view and run our saved reports, as well as create a triggered schedule.
- Select Reports & Statistics from the left hand menu.
- Select My Reports.
- If you do not see this option, refresh your browser and try again. If you still cannot see this option then you have not saved a report – follow the steps above to save a report.
Here you can see all the reports that you have saved, the name of the report and the original template report, the parameters and some quick actions.
If you select Run Report, the report will run as normal. Selecting Delete would remove the report from your saved reports.
Easy! So let’s say you want to receive this report every week via email. You can do this by creating a schedule.
- Select Create.
- Use Cron Expression to select the relevant frequency.
- Select the export type – XLSX or XLS is recommended.
- Input the Start Time.
- Input the End Time (if applicable).
- Select Save.
You will now receive the report in your inbox at the period specified. At any point you can amend the schedule or remove it.