Learning Objectives
This guide is to help explain the different application types that can be selected when creating a course. Application types are designed to cover all scenarios of the application process.
- Pay after Approval
In this scenario, the application first needs to be approved by the administrator. If the application is approved, the applicant needs to make the payment to confirm participation. Process is as follows,
- Course Applicant submits the application/fills the Application form → Application status is set to SUBMITTED
- Course Admin reviews the application, in case the application is:
- approved, application status is set to APPROVED
- not approved = returned, the application status is set to RETURNED. Applicant can correct and resubmit the Application for review
- Once approved, the course Applicant pays for the application → the Application status is set to CONFIRMED
- Just Apply (with Approval)
In this scenario, there is no payment required, the applicant just needs to be approved by the administrator. Process is as follows,
- Course Applicant submits the application/fills the Application form → Application status is set to SUBMITTED
- Course Admin reviews the application. In case the application is:
- approved, application status is immediately set to CONFIRMED
- not approved = returned, application status is set to RETURNED. Applicant can correct and resubmit the Application for review
- Just Apply (without Approval)
In this scenario, there is no approval nor payment required. Once the Course Applicant submits the application it is automatically set to CONFIRMED
- Just Pay
In this scenario, there is no approval required, the applicant just needs to pay to confirm participation. Once the Course Applicant pays the application from the Course menu (as the initial step) it is automatically set to CONFIRMED
- Pay Later
In this scenario, there is no approval required, but the application and payment steps can be divided. The applicant can apply/book its place early, and pay at a later point.
- Course Applicant submits the application/fills the Application form → Application status is set to APPROVED
- Course Applicant can pay for the course participation later, once it is done → the application status is set to CONFIRMED
Please note that the application status cannot be set to PASS before it is set to CONFIRMED, so the applicant cannot pass the course successfully before the required approvals and payment have been done.